WINTER RECIPE – Portobello Mushroom Pâté


Serves 8


350g Portobello mushrooms, sliced
½ Brown onion, sliced
½ Clove of garlic
30ml Brandy
30ml Port
100ml Cream
3g Quatre Epices Savoury (spice mix containing white pepper, nutmeg, ginger and cloves)
250g Unsalted butter Sea salt and black pepper to taste

  1. Melt 50g of the butter and sweat the mushrooms, onion and garlic slowly until no more moisture comes out of the mushrooms, about ten minutes.
  2. Add the brandy and the port and cook for a further five minutes.
  3. Add the cream and reduce by two thirds.
  4. Season with the spice mix (this can be purchased from Herbies Spices) and the salt and pepper.
  5. Place mixture into food a processor and process until quite smooth, then with the motor running add the butter a little at a time until well incorporated.
  6. Place into a shallow bowl and refrigerate until needed.


100g Hazelnuts
50g Hazelnut meal
5g Sea salt
20g Dried mushrooms (shitake or porcini)
20ml Hazelnut oil
20g Tapioca maltodextrin (purchase online)

  1. Toast the hazelnuts and meal separately until light golden.
  2. Chop the hazelnuts so each has been at least broken into two.
  3. Process dried mushrooms in food processor until they become a fine powder.
  4. In a bowl, mix the oil and tapioca maltodextrin until it is all incorporated, then pass through a fine strainer.
  5. Mix all ingredients together gently and keep in an airtight container until ready to serve.


20g Shitake mushrooms, dried
200g Water
40ml Tomato sauce
40ml Honey
20ml Sherry vinegar

  1. Bring water to the boil and pour over mushrooms.
  2. Leave for 30 minutes to soften.
  3. Next add remaining ingredients and bring to boil again.
  4. Place in food processor and process until a smooth ketchup like consistency is obtained.
  5. Leave to cool at room temperature.


225m Water
125ml Vinegar white
6 tbl Sugar
2 tsp Salt
100g Shimeji mushrooms

  1. Bring the water, vinegar, sugar and salt to the boil.
  2. Pour over the mushrooms and leave them to cool at room temperature.


3g Wattle seed
50g Linseed
10g Potato starch
175ml Water

  1. Mix the dry ingredients while bringing the water to a boil.
  2. Add the boiling water to the dry ingredients and whisk until well incorporated.
  3. Leave for 20 minutes until thick.
  4. Roll between two pieces of parchment until very thin and bake at 150°C for 15 minutes. The result should be totally dry, leave on the paper until ready to use then break into chunks.

To finish, place the crumb in a bowl with a spoon of the pâtè on top. Top with pickled shimeji mushrooms and fresh enoki mushrooms. Spoon a little sauce around the bowl and top with the linseed and wattle seed crackers.