Become a Henschke Cellar Member and enjoy exclusive members-only benefits. There is no cost to join and no ongoing membership fees. Simply create an account and start earning rewards straight away, including special member’s pricing, access to new wine releases, exclusive offers, invitations to Henschke events and complimentary tastings and experiences.


How do I join the Henschke Cellar Membership?

Joining our Henschke Cellar Membership is easy. Simply create an account using a valid email address here. A purchase is not required to join our membership program.   

Does it cost anything to join?  

It is free to become a Henschke Cellar Member.  

How do I accumulate spend towards the membership?

Members can accumulate spend towards the Henschke Cellar Members program by making a purchase:

  • through our website;
  • on Henschke telephone sales;
  • on Henschke email sales;
  • at official Henschke events;
  • on tickets to official Henschke events;
  • on paid bookings for Henschke experiences.

To check your membership status, please login to your Henschke account.

How long are my membership rewards valid for?

Membership rewards (excluding birthday gift vouchers) are valid for 12 months from the time that you quality for that level.

How long is my birthday gift voucher valid for?

Your birthday gift voucher is valid for the month of your birthday. Birthday vouchers must be used in a single transaction and cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer. Vouchers can only be used for online orders or over the phone or via email. The voucher amount is valid from receipt of email regardless if a member moves up or down a membership tier within 30 days.

When will my membership level change?

Your Henschke Cellar Membership level is calculated based on a rolling 12 month period. You will have access to your membership benefits for a period of 12 months from the date you quality for that level. At the end of the 12 month period, we will determine which level you will be allocated to moving forward based on your eligible expenditure within the 12 month period. If you each a higher level during that 12 month period, based on further eligible expenditure, you will be allocated to that higher level and the rolling 12 month period will re-commence. 

Terms and conditions

Find the terms and conditions associated with the Henschke Cellar Membership here.